Brazil ANATEL published Act 3483 on the new requirement for Conformity Assessment and Test Procedures of Lithium Batteries used in Mobile Phones
Jun. 18 2019
Act 3848 - Technical Requirements and Test Procedures for the Evaluation of the Conformity of Lithium Batteries Used in Mobile Phones.
This act revokes Act 951 (2018) after 180 days of its publication (due date is Nov. 30th, 2019).
The new act main changes are:
a) Samples quantity: minimum sample amount for the electrical and safety tests are 34 units of lithium batteries and 10 units of cells for lithium batteries;
b) Electrical testing: according to IEC 60960-3 (2017) items 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.7.2, 7.7.3, 7.8.1, 7.8.3. Total number of samples: 15 lithium batteries.
c) Safety testing: according to IEC 62133-1 (2017) items 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.6. Total number of samples: 19 lithium batteries and 10 lithium cells.
d) Certificate Renewal: Batteries that are in phase of manufacturing discontinuation and are in the manufacturer’s stock with more than 6 (six) months of manufacturing, the safety tests shall be performed and the maximum validity of the certificate shall be 12 (twelve) months, less the number of days the date of manufacture of the samples exceeds 6 (six) months.
Important: The obligation of using the security seal (Mint Label) in the Mobile Phone’s battery was kept in force.
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